Celebrate World Elephant Day with Let's Read!

Asia’s Free Digital Library for Children
Children need books with characters, themes, and settings that reflect and affirm their lives and provide opportunities to explore the world. Let’s Read draws on the Asia Foundation’s 18 offices in the region and deep ties in local communities to build an unprecedented...Read More »
Moving Giants: A Live Q & A with Kester Vickery

In conversation with Kester Vickery
Join us Monday August 12, World Elephant Day, for a live Q+A with Kester Vickery — co-founder of Conservation Solutions.
Kester will offer his unique insight into our Moving Giants project and explain what it takes to translocate 200 elephants more than 1,000 miles across...Read More »
#BeElephantEthical with The Elephant Sanctuary on Aug 12

The Elephant Sanctuary’s Education Team is going live on Facebook this World Elephant Day to highlight some of our educational programs that help people #BeElephantEthical.
Join us at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m. CST
at www.facebook.com/ElephantSanctuaryTN
...Read More »World Elephant Day Tokyo Aug 12

When: Monday, August 12, 2019 at 5 PM – 7 PM
Where: At 上野動物園 Ueno Zoological Gardens, Tokyo
9-83 Uenokōen, Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to 110-0007
世界ゾウの日はちょうど8月12日 (月曜日・祝日)です!
野生のゾウのことをもっと知るチャンスです! 上野のゾウキーパーさんとJTEFの話を聞きながら、楽しく夕方のイベントを開催します。野生動物の保護活動をサポートできますJTEFのファンドレイジングもします!今「ここ東京で」できるACTIONはこれです!
Celebrate the amazing Elephants! World Elephant Day is August 12! (Monday) a National Holiday for Obon Season. Learn more about the elephants in the wild! Come...Read More »
Ban the Sale of Elephant Ivory in Canada #IvoryFreeCanada

Canada is one of the few remaining countries that still allows the legal domestic trade in elephant ivory.
Canada needs to join all the other countries that already banned domestic trade of elephant ivory.
Please join our Ivory-Free Canada campaign #IvoryFreeCanada, a coalition of Elephanatics,...Read More »
World Elephant Day 2019 - A special weekend in the Zoo Leipzig

To raise awareness for the elephants all around the world we invite our guests on August 10th and 11th to get to know our enclosure from a new perspective – the inside one, where normally only the elephants are. You can talk to the keepers, explore the elephant house and...Read More »
Welt-Elefanten-Tag im Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen

Mit dem internationalen WELT-ELEFANTEN-TAG (World Elephant Day) am 12. August, soll ein Bewusstsein für die Schutzbedürftigkeit der bedrohten grauen Riesen geschaffen werden. ♥
Auch bei uns steht dieser Tag im Zeichen der Elefanten: Besucht unser Elfenbeintal und erlebt ein unterhaltsames und informatives Programm rund um unsere Afrikanischen Elefanten! 🐘
Neben Infoständen zu...Read More »
Premiere of A HERD OF ORPHANS film

The orphan herd is coming to Vimeo On Demand! The award winning feature documentary film, A HERD OF ORPHANS, will premiere on World Elephant Day 2019 (Monday, August 12). Link: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/aherdoforphans
The film features the Elephant Orphanage Project in Zambia, a project of Game Rangers International.
When poachers kill...Read More »
World Elephant Day Painting Event in Gilbert, Arizona

Elephantopia is excited to announce the second annual Painting with a Purpose event for World Elephant Day on August 11, 2019 beginning at 4pm at Painting with a Twist in Gilbert, Arizona. Join us for an afternoon of painting, wine and fun activities to support elephant conservation in Zambia. Registration...Read More »
Zuri's 10th Birthday & World Elephant Day

We’re celebrating Zuri and World Elephant Day. Come to the Zoo for special birthday enrichment for Zuri, crafts, games and learn about elephants!
Where: Utah’s Hogle Zoo, 2600 Sunnyside Avenue (840 South), Salt Lake City, UT 84108
When: August 10th, 2019
Go to Hogle Zoo for more information
...Read More »Celebrate World Elephant Day and Ties to Thailand

Public Service Announcement (PSA)
Event: World Elephant Day & Ties to Thailand Exhibit Opening
When: Saturday, August 10, 2019
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Where: Asian Cultures Museum of Texas
1809 N. Chaparral Street, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401
Contact: Museum 361-881-8827
Celebrate World Elephant Day at the Asian Cultures Museum of Texas as we highlight the reverence...Read More »
Let’s Animate Elephants in the Room!

In celebration of World Elephant Day (August 12th) participants will help create animation for a special installation in the 360o setting. There will also be talks, screenings, and storytelling and information about elephants in support of BLES.
BLES is a sanctuary for elephants based near Sukhothai and they are ‘Passionately devoted...Read More »