
11 Jul 2016 EleeDraw 2016

#EleeDraw Coloring Challenge

Color a better world for Elephants with #EleeDraw

This year for World Elephant Day we are raising awareness for elephants by sharing an elephant-themed coloring page that engages people of all ages and all parts of the world. The #EleeDraw is a free printable coloring page that features an African and an Asian elephant holding the world together. So grab all your pencil crayons, markers or paint and join the challenge today! Ignite your inner creativity and show your support for elephants with #EleeDraw by following these four steps:

  1. STEP 1:
    Download the #EleeDraw
  2. STEP 2:
    Tweet: I’ve got the #Eleedraw for #WorldElephantDay! Stay tuned for my masterpiece!
  3. STEP 3:
    Print and color your #EleeDraw. Gather with friends or family and get creative with color
  4. STEP 4:
    Share your creation on Instagram with the hashtag #Eleedraw and #WorldElephantDay
  5. Step 5:
    Challenge 3 of your friends to do the same!

Follow us on Instagram to see everyone’s #EleeDraw creations

Color a better world for #elephants on #WorldElephantDay!

Did you know the #EleeDraw is a hand-drawn creation? The #EleeDraw was illustrated with black ink by Victoria-based artist Rylee Postulo as a donation in support of the World Elephant Day 2016 campaign.

